biorefining, sustainability, high value products, waste
Cooperation in the fields:
• Innovations in the design and siting of environmentally advanced, minimum waste biorefineries, associated with locally integrated production systems for food, feed, fibre and biomass for biorefining, making full use of agricultural and other organic products, by-products and wastes, as they cascade through the production and processing system, in order to better close the cycling of the major nutrients (N, P and K).
• How can biomass, including wastes and losses, and product expectations best be evaluated and modeled, using a systemic approach and how may these be assessed integrating social, economic and environmental perspectives including resilience and sustainability?
• Evaluating the synergy between ecosystem services and biomass harvesting from locally specialised crops, including those adapted to marginal lands and semi-natural grasslands. How can bio-refining create high value products and bioenergy while at the same time enhancing the natural environment and biodiversity?
The scientific task of the Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ) is to comprehensively support the efficient establishment of biomass as a valuable resource for sustainable energy supply within the scope of applied research and to drive it forward, both theoretically and practically. The establishment and integration of biomass in the range of existing energy sources takes place with simultaneous inclusion of technical, ecological, economic, social and energy management aspects along the whole usage chain, i.e. from production through to supply and use. In addition, the DBFZ is to draw up sound decision-making aids for politicians.