Our interest is taking part in a consortium to implement the project how's main objective is related to agro-farming management. Rational land use is a benchmark objective and requires complex activities included in land management (that will be developed at European level, in partnership). This deals, in fact, all natural resources, the biodiversity and conservation of farming systems, up to climate change mitigation. The draft activities in which we seek partners are:
- Identification and analysis of environmental resources in farms from European countries;
- Analysis of the technological potential and its pretation in terms of European areas studied;
- Identification and analysis of agricultural production systems and crops structure in European regions ;
- Techniques and technologies analysis for use of water and land resources in existing agro-ecosystems at farm level in the conditions created by climate change;
- Technologies analysis dedicated for agricultural farm works in the context of climate change;
- Economic subsystem modeling of agricultural production system on farm types.
Agricultural and Environmental Department represents a pole of excellence, concentrating most advanced level of expertise in economic analysis of key areas: agriculture and environment. The didactic activity, research and entrepreneurial start-up are the dimensions that this expertise is translated into training specialists, scientific results and innovative business concepts. The department personnel have a highly skilled and experienced in the areas: techniques and methods required for analyzing, evaluation, research, agri-business management and environmental affairs, as well as creating and implementing agricultural and environmental policies. The department specialization has a multidisciplinary structure in which are interconnected the economic, technological and environmental science.
The department policy is to maintain the scientific level and research quality to the highest European requirements in order to create specialist in this multidisciplinary area by combining the teaching with research in order to efficient capitalize the Romanian available natural resources. The teachers / researchers in the department are involved in numerous research projects and authors of several books, articles, studies, manuals and guidebooks.