crop modelling, statistical modelling, ecological footprinting, field experiments, agroforestry, intercropping, plant protection, farm modellig, climate and yield variability
Our resources may add substantially to a potential FACCE proposal. We are interested in determining the appropriate level of integration of food, feed and ligneous biomass production at different spatial scales. Building on data and experience from our exisiting 20 year long-term field experiments on arable cropping systems and agroforestry systems, new intercropping trials at different levels of intensification (irrigation, crop protection) may be implemented. In this context the opportunities and challenges related to crop protection in mixed cropping systems under climate change conditions constitute an especially interesting issue. Multi-location field trials can be examined with regard to climate and yield variability using statistical modeling methods. In an ensemble of crop models (DSSAT), farm models and regional models the location specific results can be upscaled, which will allow the determination of optimum design, spatial extent and distribution of the different cropping alternatives (conventional, intercropping, agroforestry) under current and future production conditions, applying a set of climate, socio-economic and agricultural policy scenarios. Furthermore, the site-specific pesticide risk assessment model SYNOPS can be integrated to evaluate the environmental impact of alternative production systems. Finally, sustainability assessment of the alternative production systems may be conducted applying ecological footprinting and economic evaluation methods.
If any of our resources and expertise add to your existing/developing project ideas, we are very happy to contribute with one or more workpackages.
The Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants is Germany’s largest research institution in the field of crop cultivation. The JKI-“Institute of Strategies and Technology Assessment” (Kleinmachnow) and the “Institute of Crop and Soil Science” (Braunschweig) are interested to participate in the FACCE call to cover different cropping and agroforestry systems.
The JKI “Institute of Strategies and Technology Assessment” develops strategies for sustainable crop production, including plant protection strategies, methods for integrated pest management and organic farming. Our mission is to promote environmentally sound and sustainable agriculture. The analysis and evaluation of complex effects of pest and crop management practices on agronomic, socio-economic and ecological performance are one of our key activities. Our experimental focus is on long-term field experiments on plant protection strategies (since 1995) and on climate change impact assessment supported by climate chamber experiments. Due to our interdisciplinary approach in technology assessment we combine ecologic and economic impact assessment under one roof.
The JKI “Institute for Crop and Soil Science” is working on the development of crop cultivation systems that assure the production of high-performance plants, without neglecting the function of agrarian areas as refuge of nature conservation. Our experimental work in field trials and reference farms concentrates on crop rotation, agroforestry, yield potential, fertilization and land management.
Our institutes are involved in numerous international and national projects. Recently we involved in the ENDURE, PURE, CO-FREE and EcoRegion projects, which aim at developing strategies for sustainable crop production in the EU.